I recently began reading a book by Ezra Taft Benson published in 1969. Some know him as the Prophet of the LDS Church, but before that, he was considered one of the most successful and respected Secretaries of Agriculture our country has ever seen. Known for his integrity and leadership, he was truly an amazing...Politician?
Anyway! In this book, (and I'm only in Chapter 3) her eloquently defines the constitutional role of the federal government, and how what we have now (1969) has evolved into something so far from what the original designers had in mind. I remind you that many prophets and church leaders from all faiths feel that the Founding Fathers were inspired to organize the country in a specific way. He also states that it is incorrect to think that members of the church should shy away "politically incorrect" discussion to avoid confrontation. It is our duty to stand up and speak for our values, and those values should be manifested in our national and state governments. There is no place for a government mandated religion, but there is place for values within it. One quote from the book really hit me.
"Great nations are never conquered from outside unless they are rotten inside. Out greatest national problem today is erosion, not the erosion of the soil but erosion of the national morality - erosion of traditional enforcement of law and order."
As a people we must stand for right and wrong and plead with our elected officials to represent our values. It is essential for the well being, and long term life of this Nation.
Too Serious? I should start another blog for this type of ranting. but I'll leave you with a fun little online game for giggles!!

My Family 11/07
Welcome to my Blog! This was our Christmas 2007 Family Picture! Meet my beautiful wife Lee, and our kids 6 and 4 years old.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Funny pranks are cool
As funny as it is, I do think that this prank might be untimely. I like to scare the pants off people pretty much anytime, but this might be a line. At this point the engines have already started, and one might not be able to stop!
Friday, May 4, 2007
This is fun little Book of Mormon Challenge. See if you can handle it on the first try. Not to tough, but fun.
The Book of Mormon Challenge
The Book of Mormon Challenge
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
My wife is like a Classic Car

See, when I was on my mission, I heard it said that the hard you work in the mission field, the hotter your wife would be. And so even in the hardest times of all, I remembered that thought, and worked through it. If you have met or seen my wife, you might say to yourself. No one in the world has the physical ability to work hard enough to deserve such an amazing and beautiful woman. And you are right. On the mission I learn the value of work and expressing faith, Meeting my wife as taught me how the atonement works. I worked, and I worked hard, but the Lord blessed my greatly by returning so much more that I deserved. Our Father in Heaven asks us to do our best, and the Atonement of Christ makes up for our short comings. Neat eh? at least I think so everyday when I see my wife.
Now to the part about her post... She has had a few..."health concerns." In our married life I have spent time in surgery waiting room EIGHT times for one thing or another. yeah, we've be married just 8 years. She has Asthma, Lupus, and has had her Appendix and 1/2 of a lung extracted. At one point (actually... several points) I was asked how we dealt with her health problems, and if they were a strain on us. (IDIOTS) As in all things, I believe we really do choose how we will react to stuff in life. Whether it ispeople, or situations, we choose how we will feel. (Certain exceptions can be applied for chemical issues like MDD, GAD and other imbalances.) But we just keep smiling and I realized one day how similar my wonderful wife is to a classic car. Classic Cars are beautiful to look at, noticed by everyone, dreamed about by many, but they are very expensive to maintain... And you always realize it's worth every penny.
I do love my wife, she is my world.
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