A couple of weeks ago, Lee and I sat down and the Democratic National Convention. I thought that quite a bit of it was interesting, and was excited to hear about VP pick Joe Biden. I listened, Lee listened, and we both agreed that we liked what he had to say for the most part. He is definitely a well experienced politician, and I actually thought he sounded pretty good.
I know what you all are thinking that this, what is the point. You know me to be a huge critic of Democrat policies, and I have made it clear, I’m not a fan of Obama. But it’s not personal, its policy and point where I disagree. The distinction came clear at a fantastic point in Bidens speech.
He told a great story of being picked on as a kid. A few neighborhood bullies gathered together to pick on the skinny little studdering Joe. They ended up hurting him, and he went home to tell his mom. She lovingly picked him, dusted him off, and then told him to go bloody their noses. I loved it! What a lesson to us as Americans. When you get knocked down, get up, and get back after it! She didn’t go out with him, and tell on the boys to their mothers. She didn’t pump full of steroids, and then send him out. She didn’t do anything for him, except send him out to defend himself.
What I didn’t understand is how Biden turned this story to explain that the American Government should help pick up those who fall, and help them recover. It’s not what his mom did, and it isn’t what the Government should do. We have become a country of people afraid to fail. We have to risk everything if we are going to have anything worth anything. When a company fails, let them fail. Someone will pick up the pieces and move forward. You can’t force companies to lend money to people who can’t afford it and be surprised when they default on the loans. This is what the democrat plans and pressure of the private sector lending has created.
I agree that we need to help each other out. But that doesn’t need to be paid throught the federal government. It should be supplied by local charity, churches, and if voted through, local government. I know that I give a lot to charities and I pay my tithing. I feel blessed by these efforts. I haven’t ever felt good by the amount of money that is withheld from my paycheck so someone else can decided “how I should be charitable”. Taxes are for defense and stability, not charity. Time to take back our power of choice in charity.

My Family 11/07
Welcome to my Blog! This was our Christmas 2007 Family Picture! Meet my beautiful wife Lee, and our kids 6 and 4 years old.
Monday, September 22, 2008
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