During this time of Thanksgiving, I wanted to take a minute to express my gratitude for the many blessing I have in my life right now. There are so many things that daily bless my life.
I wouldn't be experiencing any of these blessing without the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The light of his restored gospel has influenced my spiritual, emotional, and temporal life. I'm grateful for the Church in our times I hope that I am worthy of the knowledge each day of my life!
My wonderful wife and family are on top of this list! Let me tell you something about my wonderful wife. While I was plugging through college, I worked full time (plus). For the first many years of our life together, I would work for 7-4pm, then go to school from 5-9 four nights a week. Needless to say I was home much. While I was gone all this time, the dear wife would be at home taking care of our two very small children (they are 18 months apart). While there were times of tiredness, and loneliness for her, she was always supportive and motivational to me. It is because of her support I now have a degree, and now a great career. In addition to this support system she is, she is very good to deal with my insensitive male nature. She puts up with way too much crap from me, and I love her for it. To top all these things off...She is incredibly smoking hot. I am very grateful for her in my life!
I have been blessed to work for a GREAT company that really supports a balance between work and family. I love my job and provide well for my family. I couldn't be happier in my work life.
I hope that anyone who has the opportunity to read this, also can take a minute to count a few of the blessings of your life. May the Lord bless you all!

My Family 11/07
Welcome to my Blog! This was our Christmas 2007 Family Picture! Meet my beautiful wife Lee, and our kids 6 and 4 years old.
Friday, November 24, 2006
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I love you.
I am so grateful for you in my life, and for all that you inspire me to do. For all of the support and help. You are wonderful.
We did the same thing, almost- Benji worked from 7-4, and then went to night school from 5-10. It SUCKED. Lol. He did get a degree in computers, but it did NOTHING, because we only realized afterward that a degree at Stevens-Henager is WORTHLESS! (oops- went off on a rant, there...)
Anyway. I'm thankful for my husband, family, and Gospel as well. Without those 3 in my life, (I was even thinking about this the other day) I would probably be deep into a lot of crap you get into when you party. I'm SO thankful I listened to the Spirit and stopped partying. I have a really good life. I'm also thankful that I can stay home with our 4 kids. Benji is barely making it on his own right now, but I know that will change after a lot of patience, so I need to be more supportive there.
I'm also thankful for people like Lee & Randy, who let me go on and on and on.........;)
It was so good to read "season of gratitude". Thank you for reminding me of all the good in life. Your wife is awesome!!! I had so much fun with her in Tacoma. When spring rolls around all four of us bikers need to go hit the state patrol!
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