My Family 11/07
Welcome to my Blog! This was our Christmas 2007 Family Picture! Meet my beautiful wife Lee, and our kids 6 and 4 years old.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
First Duck Hunt
Well, I finally went out on my first duck hunt this week. On wednesday, I headed north with friend of mine in an effort to cream the ducks. But wouldn't you know it...I didn't hit a single duck, instead, I nailed 4 geese, with one double (when you hit to birds in one session). It was great. so I thought I would share a few images of a successful goose hunt, that started as a duck hunt. The second picture is of me, getting ready to skin my first goose. We cooked them up and made BBQ goose sandwiches. They were great, thanks to Lee for finding a great recipe.

Sunday, December 2, 2007
great weekend
Over that last little while, I've had the chance to visit with a family that was investigating the church. They are a really neat family of 5. These are the type of investigators missionary should really be praying to meet. They came into contact with the church because a member of the ward who lives by them was willing to take a little time, talk about their church life, and offer greatly need service. It was really an example of some just acting Christ-like to their neighbors. That Family will always be great examples to me. Well, they decided to meet with the missionaries, and quickly accepted the truths of the gospel. Because of similar ages, Lee and I were asked to get involved and help them out a church. I even had the great opportunity to sit down with them during one of the discussion to just answer some of her questions. they asked the good questions too. From Polygamy, to Blacks and Priesthood, to temple services, and 3 hours more. It was fun and educational for all of us. Last night, they got baptized. I was blessed with the chance to give a talk on the Holy Ghost (which I think was a very well written and presented discussion of the roles of the Holy ghost in our lives.) I was then asked to confirm this new brother today in sacrament. It's been a long time since I preformed the ordinance, and it was a great honor. I thank our Father in Heaven for the great opportunity we have to possess the truth of the gospel. I'm grateful for the Priesthood and the blessing it is.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
So apparently there is this new thing out there called Facebook. (I know it's not really that new, and I know alot of people don't like it). But some I know brought it up so I thought I would check it out. so I did. And guess what I found. it's actually quite handy. In just a matter of minutes, I have found a handfull of people that I hadn't heard from in years. Most of this people are from the mission field. I even found a couple that I baptized while in Toronto. They are easily one of biggest mission highlights. this was the family that I actually considered my mission family. They took great care of us throughout the remainder of my mission. I had lost track of them when they moved away from Toronto, and I came home. it happens. but with just a little time, I was able to find them. I'm excited to reaquint. It was something that I thought was pretty cool and I was excited to share. So if you are on there, Friend me. And don't worry all of you "internet is a evil playgrounder"'s... I keep all my stuff viewable to "friends" only. and yeah, that term might be a little to liberally used. :)
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Thanksgiving 2007
Thanksgiving this year has been great. We had a lot of fun. I had a few days to hang out with the family so that is what we did. Turkey day was normal. Get up, hang out and eat, that kind of stuff. I was excited because I actually got to get out a do a little geocaching, and revive the fun of the hobby. Friday, Lee woke with and headed out to shop in the nightmare called "black friday". I don't understand how it can be considered fun, but she loves it. I finally got the kids out around 10:00 am, and bought paintballs. They had great paintballs half off, which made the good balls cheaper than the cheapie walmart brand. so I was stoked! After that we headed home. that's enough shopping in one day for me. That afternoon my Bro-in-Law and I hit the hills for some Clay Pidgeon Practice. that was immediately followed by PAINTBALL. We had about 20 guys out to shoot the tar out of each other. It was a blast. I'm glad that we had some fun. I'm already jonesing for the next outing. :)
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Trip to Vegas
So, we went to Vegas this weekend with some friends. Actually, Lee was hired to photograph a wedding down there. We were there for a couple of days and had a great time. While Lee and Misty took pictures, Dave and I hung like champions. It was great to have a good time with a good friend. As proof that we had fun, we ended up with a little video of our hilarity. While chilling on the strip we ran into a few M&M's and couldn't help ourselves. We wanted to enter this into the LG "life's good when" contest, but we were too late. oh well, it was still a blast! For more of a play by play, see misty's notes on the trip HERE
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Dog Training!
Friday morning, before taking off on vacation, I decided to take the dogs out to see if we couldn't find a few pheasants. We (me and the dogs) headed out to a little piece of land I found along a little river. The advantage to this location is the the water was at the bottom of a 20-25 foot cliff. I figured this would help to keep my dogs out of the water and trying to find the scent of the pheasants. Well, the older dog, Sage, LOVES the water and she went right to work making sure she ALWAYS knew where it was. After walking about 1/2 miles along the waters edge (20-25 feet above) I start kicking around some tumbleweeds pilled next too some small trees and I look up to see that I only have 1 dog. I knew what had happened immediately and it was confirmed when I heard a loud thump and splash within a second. I hurried to the edge to see if she was alright, and found her swimming in the river way below. It appears that Sage had gotten too close to the edge and it gave way. There was about 2 feet of ground that the bottom that I think she landed on before falling into the water. The biggest pain was that I had to walk back about 3/4 of the way to find a place that she could climb out. STUPID creature! I hope she's sufficiently trained. We'll see next time.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Life...The TV Show
This year, I have my favorite new TV show, LIFE. It's quite intellegently written, and I enjoy the back story and well crafted cast. But the back story is quite confusing. Thinking that this might turn into an ARG of types I started looking around and found a few little websites for the show that all lead back to the shows official website at NBC. But this was one that made me quite curious.

This is the center page of http://www.whoframedcrews.com. Like I said, I thought there might be more behind the story and the picture might have clues. So I dug around a bit and found that the Inmate Booking Number did turn up. It's actually quite a famous booking number.

Just so no body thinks I'm a totally BS king. Check out this link if you think I'm making it up.
Anyway. I just thought it was funny, and I don't know whose idea it was to use OJ's booking number, but I'm laughing. thought that I would share!

This is the center page of http://www.whoframedcrews.com. Like I said, I thought there might be more behind the story and the picture might have clues. So I dug around a bit and found that the Inmate Booking Number did turn up. It's actually quite a famous booking number.

Just so no body thinks I'm a totally BS king. Check out this link if you think I'm making it up.
Anyway. I just thought it was funny, and I don't know whose idea it was to use OJ's booking number, but I'm laughing. thought that I would share!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
The rules:
A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
Jennifer tagged me in, so I guess I'll play along. But due to the fact that I don't know 6 other people that blog that she or my wife didn't tag in, this is where this leg of the game will end.
1. I don't really remember actually reading an entire book until my junior year in high school. and even that was for an assignment. Up until then, I think I skimmed through them, or did book reports on books that had been turned into movies. I guess I cheated in school more than I remember. :( but I read quite a bit now, so I guess I'm making it up.
2. As a kid one year, we took a little vacation in Washington DC. We were actually staying there for a bit after moving back to the states from Scotland... ANYWAY! while there, for some reason my mother decided it would be a good idea to take 5 kids to go watch a legislative session of some sort. (I was around 6, so the details are iffy, but I remember the cool part clear as day) During the goings on of national politics, a man in a trench coat stood up and announced he had a bomb. The secret service promptly detained and removed the man. When we left we actually saw him in the foyer tied up and striped to his "loin clothe" with dynamite wrapped around his middle. It was nutz.
4. I haven't always been the great looking guy you see here today. When I was in high school, I wasn't a very good looking kid. I had jacked up teeth, odd hairstyles, and a neck that would look normal if I was 6' 6", but I was 5' 4" at the time, not to mention the fact that I've seen insects that had more fat on them than I had (FYI - insects don't have fat).
5. I love running into the cool kids from school. I like to brag about my awesome job, my great kids, my beautiful home, and most importantly, show off the VERY HOT CHICK I married.
Like I said, I can't really tag anyone, because it's all done. But if you read this, feel free to add to it and post a comment so I can check it out.
A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
Jennifer tagged me in, so I guess I'll play along. But due to the fact that I don't know 6 other people that blog that she or my wife didn't tag in, this is where this leg of the game will end.
1. I don't really remember actually reading an entire book until my junior year in high school. and even that was for an assignment. Up until then, I think I skimmed through them, or did book reports on books that had been turned into movies. I guess I cheated in school more than I remember. :( but I read quite a bit now, so I guess I'm making it up.
2. As a kid one year, we took a little vacation in Washington DC. We were actually staying there for a bit after moving back to the states from Scotland... ANYWAY! while there, for some reason my mother decided it would be a good idea to take 5 kids to go watch a legislative session of some sort. (I was around 6, so the details are iffy, but I remember the cool part clear as day) During the goings on of national politics, a man in a trench coat stood up and announced he had a bomb. The secret service promptly detained and removed the man. When we left we actually saw him in the foyer tied up and striped to his "loin clothe" with dynamite wrapped around his middle. It was nutz.
3. During his first presidential campaign, I met President George W. Bush , shook his hand and got an autographed campaign poster. And while I don't agree with everything he has or hasn't done as out President, on quite a few of my KEY POLITICAL ISSUES (i.e. war of terror, homeland security, commitment to the mideast, and sanctity of life) he has done me just fine. I proudly stand as a part of the 30% (a fictitious number as far as I'm concerned) who approve of the job he is doing.
4. I haven't always been the great looking guy you see here today. When I was in high school, I wasn't a very good looking kid. I had jacked up teeth, odd hairstyles, and a neck that would look normal if I was 6' 6", but I was 5' 4" at the time, not to mention the fact that I've seen insects that had more fat on them than I had (FYI - insects don't have fat).
5. I love running into the cool kids from school. I like to brag about my awesome job, my great kids, my beautiful home, and most importantly, show off the VERY HOT CHICK I married.
6. Many people mistakenly think I've quite conceited. As I said, they are mistaken... It's not conceit when its an accurate portrayal. I am every bit as good as I say I am.
Like I said, I can't really tag anyone, because it's all done. But if you read this, feel free to add to it and post a comment so I can check it out.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Quite some time!
Hopefully someone will actually check back in. It's been a very busy end of summer and fall. Here are the great and glorious updates for the last little while.
Back in the Spring, after mowing the lawn one day, I decided to break out the old mountain bike and see if I could still ride the trails in some nearby canyons. I went and had a great time. So with quite a bit of convincing, I finally got my buddy Aaron to join me. After a few rides, Aaron decided that we should make it a regular thing. So every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday since then we have been riding at Aaron ridicules idea of 6:00 IN THE MORNING (7:00 on Saturday). We also have been joined by a few other, Mike, Ted, Bill, and even Mikes little bro David for awhile there. During the summer this actually worked out great, but the last few morning... IT"S FREAKING COLD! Winter is definitely upon us. Anyhow! Riding has been great for us, and it's been a lot of fun and a little bit of hurt. About 3 weeks ago, Aaron and I were riding through the canyons and had done roughly 5 miles when we came to the best jump in the run. This is the same jump that I have take nearly every time we have ridden since April, but this time I decided to go...REALLY BIG. Without slowing up on the downhill I hit the jump that raises about 4 feet in about 2 1/2 feet distance and aims a little higher on the canyon wall leaving just about 12-18 inches of quality landing area. I went higher than I ever thought I would and landed about 6-12 inches left of where I wanted. The end result... my bike went sideways and I landed on my right knee from about 6 feet up. man that hurts just remembering. I check my GPS tracking and my last recorded speed was 18 MPH before the jump... maybe just a bit to fast. :) I've since slowed it down, partially because the knee is still sore and pops a little when I walk.
The opportunity to watch General Conference came and went, and I loved it. I really enjoyed it and gained quite a bit of insight from the topics discussed. It was a nice time to recommit to living a little better every day. Lee and I have renewed our commitment to "frequent" temple attendance. It's amazing how much easier it was to attend the temple every month when I lived out of town than with it right here. sometimes we just let ourselves get caught up in the stupid routine and loose our perspective on whats REALLY important.
Little Dude start Kindergarten this year. It's really quite awesome. I can't believe how fast he is growing. and with loosing his two front teeth, I can't believe how OLD he's looking. The little Princess is loving Pre-K and is just too busy to know what to do with herself. She's also taking Ballet which came in VERY USEFUL during the Primary Sacrament Program on Sunday. She busted out an impromptu Tap routine mid-song, followed by a few ballet twists and turns. My kids! :)
Will the finger vomiting is over for the night. I'll fill in some blanks later!
Back in the Spring, after mowing the lawn one day, I decided to break out the old mountain bike and see if I could still ride the trails in some nearby canyons. I went and had a great time. So with quite a bit of convincing, I finally got my buddy Aaron to join me. After a few rides, Aaron decided that we should make it a regular thing. So every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday since then we have been riding at Aaron ridicules idea of 6:00 IN THE MORNING (7:00 on Saturday). We also have been joined by a few other, Mike, Ted, Bill, and even Mikes little bro David for awhile there. During the summer this actually worked out great, but the last few morning... IT"S FREAKING COLD! Winter is definitely upon us. Anyhow! Riding has been great for us, and it's been a lot of fun and a little bit of hurt. About 3 weeks ago, Aaron and I were riding through the canyons and had done roughly 5 miles when we came to the best jump in the run. This is the same jump that I have take nearly every time we have ridden since April, but this time I decided to go...REALLY BIG. Without slowing up on the downhill I hit the jump that raises about 4 feet in about 2 1/2 feet distance and aims a little higher on the canyon wall leaving just about 12-18 inches of quality landing area. I went higher than I ever thought I would and landed about 6-12 inches left of where I wanted. The end result... my bike went sideways and I landed on my right knee from about 6 feet up. man that hurts just remembering. I check my GPS tracking and my last recorded speed was 18 MPH before the jump... maybe just a bit to fast. :) I've since slowed it down, partially because the knee is still sore and pops a little when I walk.
The opportunity to watch General Conference came and went, and I loved it. I really enjoyed it and gained quite a bit of insight from the topics discussed. It was a nice time to recommit to living a little better every day. Lee and I have renewed our commitment to "frequent" temple attendance. It's amazing how much easier it was to attend the temple every month when I lived out of town than with it right here. sometimes we just let ourselves get caught up in the stupid routine and loose our perspective on whats REALLY important.
Little Dude start Kindergarten this year. It's really quite awesome. I can't believe how fast he is growing. and with loosing his two front teeth, I can't believe how OLD he's looking. The little Princess is loving Pre-K and is just too busy to know what to do with herself. She's also taking Ballet which came in VERY USEFUL during the Primary Sacrament Program on Sunday. She busted out an impromptu Tap routine mid-song, followed by a few ballet twists and turns. My kids! :)
Will the finger vomiting is over for the night. I'll fill in some blanks later!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Alright alright. it's been quite some time since I last posted. so there has been a great deal of "life" that many of you have missed out on. Not that you were exactly waiting with baited breath. So here is what is new.
First! my pretty little princess turned 4. wow, that's crazy! it's seems like just days ago she was a shrivelled looking munchkin, and now she's 4. she has been really enjoying it, and due to the fact that her Birthday was on a Friday, she kinda thinks EVERY FRIDAY is a BIRTHDAY. Fun.
In late August, Lee and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary. that was amazingly fast! Actually we kinda celebrated early, as she got her Tiffany's Necklace that matches her Bracelet the 1 week of August. I couldn't hide the expence very long without her findout, so I just gave in. My wonderful wife upgraded my GPS unit to the Megallan Explorist 500 LE after she sold my old one to a friend. Unfortunately, I've hardly got to use it much with work and life happening.
The kids both Played soccer all summer which was great, and they both loved it a lot, but I think they have other things they enjoy more.
This week Lil'Dude started Kindergarten. He's doing a relatively new program that is Spanish Immersion Dual Language. There are 12 English and 12 spanish speaking kids in his class. Half the day is in spanish, and the other half is in English. I gues they jsut figure it out. anyway the program is K-5 and by 3rd grade they are supposed to be quite fluent. what a huge advantage in life. And if the Little Princess Qualifies next year, they can help each other maintain the languagethroughout life. Lil'princess started Ballet this week, and will start Pre-school next week. She is loving every minute of growing up.
Through in a Summer Vacation at Wallowa Lake, OR. A trip to Silverwood, and every day fun. Summer has been awesome. I hope all is well out there..
First! my pretty little princess turned 4. wow, that's crazy! it's seems like just days ago she was a shrivelled looking munchkin, and now she's 4. she has been really enjoying it, and due to the fact that her Birthday was on a Friday, she kinda thinks EVERY FRIDAY is a BIRTHDAY. Fun.
In late August, Lee and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary. that was amazingly fast! Actually we kinda celebrated early, as she got her Tiffany's Necklace that matches her Bracelet the 1 week of August. I couldn't hide the expence very long without her findout, so I just gave in. My wonderful wife upgraded my GPS unit to the Megallan Explorist 500 LE after she sold my old one to a friend. Unfortunately, I've hardly got to use it much with work and life happening.
The kids both Played soccer all summer which was great, and they both loved it a lot, but I think they have other things they enjoy more.
This week Lil'Dude started Kindergarten. He's doing a relatively new program that is Spanish Immersion Dual Language. There are 12 English and 12 spanish speaking kids in his class. Half the day is in spanish, and the other half is in English. I gues they jsut figure it out. anyway the program is K-5 and by 3rd grade they are supposed to be quite fluent. what a huge advantage in life. And if the Little Princess Qualifies next year, they can help each other maintain the languagethroughout life. Lil'princess started Ballet this week, and will start Pre-school next week. She is loving every minute of growing up.
Through in a Summer Vacation at Wallowa Lake, OR. A trip to Silverwood, and every day fun. Summer has been awesome. I hope all is well out there..
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Help Paris Run
I need to devote a whole post to this. For those friends of my enjoying Geocaching, and other fun stuff, Help Paris Run is a fun little game. Go to the blogsite to learn more about it!

Monday, June 18, 2007
All Right!
Okay, I admit it. For all three of you that read my blog, it must have been boring to keep coming back to see the same Speak Out post. I still think it's a valid point to be read, but I need to writing something else.
Fathers Day Weekend was great for me. Saturday started with a sweet gathering in the brush for a friendly battle with Paint. That is right, we returned to the Sage for a paintball battle. There were 10 of total this weekend. And I decided early that I was going to fight full boar! I was in the middle of it and loved it. Thankfully I didn't end up with bruises all over my body, unfortunately, all pellets managed to find the limmitted padded area of my forearms. OUCH!! So they are quite bruised. Anyway, it was a great time.
After Paintball I had the chance to visit with some neighbors to celebrate thier recent wedding. Then went to visit my folks to let the kids swim, even though it wasn't near warm enough for my to jump in. The night ended with UFC fight night with a bunch of couples from the ward. It was a good time.
Sunday was a great Fathers Day. After an enjoyable Church service, I had the chance to just hang out for a few hours (napping and pretending to nap) while Lee played with the kids. We then had a picnic with Lee's Family, and then once again visited with the some of the greatest friends we have. It was a VErY NICE Fathers Day. thanks to all those we saw and visited with. you guys made it Great!
OH YEAH!!! Check out this new blog I found, I think it's a funny and great concept! HELP PARIS RUN
Fathers Day Weekend was great for me. Saturday started with a sweet gathering in the brush for a friendly battle with Paint. That is right, we returned to the Sage for a paintball battle. There were 10 of total this weekend. And I decided early that I was going to fight full boar! I was in the middle of it and loved it. Thankfully I didn't end up with bruises all over my body, unfortunately, all pellets managed to find the limmitted padded area of my forearms. OUCH!! So they are quite bruised. Anyway, it was a great time.
After Paintball I had the chance to visit with some neighbors to celebrate thier recent wedding. Then went to visit my folks to let the kids swim, even though it wasn't near warm enough for my to jump in. The night ended with UFC fight night with a bunch of couples from the ward. It was a good time.
Sunday was a great Fathers Day. After an enjoyable Church service, I had the chance to just hang out for a few hours (napping and pretending to nap) while Lee played with the kids. We then had a picnic with Lee's Family, and then once again visited with the some of the greatest friends we have. It was a VErY NICE Fathers Day. thanks to all those we saw and visited with. you guys made it Great!
OH YEAH!!! Check out this new blog I found, I think it's a funny and great concept! HELP PARIS RUN
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Speak Out
I recently began reading a book by Ezra Taft Benson published in 1969. Some know him as the Prophet of the LDS Church, but before that, he was considered one of the most successful and respected Secretaries of Agriculture our country has ever seen. Known for his integrity and leadership, he was truly an amazing...Politician?
Anyway! In this book, (and I'm only in Chapter 3) her eloquently defines the constitutional role of the federal government, and how what we have now (1969) has evolved into something so far from what the original designers had in mind. I remind you that many prophets and church leaders from all faiths feel that the Founding Fathers were inspired to organize the country in a specific way. He also states that it is incorrect to think that members of the church should shy away "politically incorrect" discussion to avoid confrontation. It is our duty to stand up and speak for our values, and those values should be manifested in our national and state governments. There is no place for a government mandated religion, but there is place for values within it. One quote from the book really hit me.
"Great nations are never conquered from outside unless they are rotten inside. Out greatest national problem today is erosion, not the erosion of the soil but erosion of the national morality - erosion of traditional enforcement of law and order."
As a people we must stand for right and wrong and plead with our elected officials to represent our values. It is essential for the well being, and long term life of this Nation.
Too Serious? I should start another blog for this type of ranting. but I'll leave you with a fun little online game for giggles!!
Anyway! In this book, (and I'm only in Chapter 3) her eloquently defines the constitutional role of the federal government, and how what we have now (1969) has evolved into something so far from what the original designers had in mind. I remind you that many prophets and church leaders from all faiths feel that the Founding Fathers were inspired to organize the country in a specific way. He also states that it is incorrect to think that members of the church should shy away "politically incorrect" discussion to avoid confrontation. It is our duty to stand up and speak for our values, and those values should be manifested in our national and state governments. There is no place for a government mandated religion, but there is place for values within it. One quote from the book really hit me.
"Great nations are never conquered from outside unless they are rotten inside. Out greatest national problem today is erosion, not the erosion of the soil but erosion of the national morality - erosion of traditional enforcement of law and order."
As a people we must stand for right and wrong and plead with our elected officials to represent our values. It is essential for the well being, and long term life of this Nation.
Too Serious? I should start another blog for this type of ranting. but I'll leave you with a fun little online game for giggles!!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Funny pranks are cool
As funny as it is, I do think that this prank might be untimely. I like to scare the pants off people pretty much anytime, but this might be a line. At this point the engines have already started, and one might not be able to stop!
Friday, May 4, 2007
This is fun little Book of Mormon Challenge. See if you can handle it on the first try. Not to tough, but fun.
The Book of Mormon Challenge
The Book of Mormon Challenge
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
My wife is like a Classic Car

See, when I was on my mission, I heard it said that the hard you work in the mission field, the hotter your wife would be. And so even in the hardest times of all, I remembered that thought, and worked through it. If you have met or seen my wife, you might say to yourself. No one in the world has the physical ability to work hard enough to deserve such an amazing and beautiful woman. And you are right. On the mission I learn the value of work and expressing faith, Meeting my wife as taught me how the atonement works. I worked, and I worked hard, but the Lord blessed my greatly by returning so much more that I deserved. Our Father in Heaven asks us to do our best, and the Atonement of Christ makes up for our short comings. Neat eh? at least I think so everyday when I see my wife.
Now to the part about her post... She has had a few..."health concerns." In our married life I have spent time in surgery waiting room EIGHT times for one thing or another. yeah, we've be married just 8 years. She has Asthma, Lupus, and has had her Appendix and 1/2 of a lung extracted. At one point (actually... several points) I was asked how we dealt with her health problems, and if they were a strain on us. (IDIOTS) As in all things, I believe we really do choose how we will react to stuff in life. Whether it ispeople, or situations, we choose how we will feel. (Certain exceptions can be applied for chemical issues like MDD, GAD and other imbalances.) But we just keep smiling and I realized one day how similar my wonderful wife is to a classic car. Classic Cars are beautiful to look at, noticed by everyone, dreamed about by many, but they are very expensive to maintain... And you always realize it's worth every penny.
I do love my wife, she is my world.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Proud of my Boy
Last weekend, our ward had a talent show. In primary a few weeks prior, they asked if any of the kids would like to perform. Sure enough, my little dude was all over that. He decided that he wanted to sing for the talent show. Being the proud Dad that I am, I recorded it on my little camera. (hence, the limited quality). I hope you enjoy, "I Love to See the Temple" Lil'Dude Style!
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Hunters Education
Well, unlike my beautiful wife, I suck and updating my blog. and that is why no one ever reads it. but such is the way it is.
On April 2nd, the day after my the glorious celebration of my 30th birthday (I hope you all enjoyed the festivities of such a well recognized event). I started taking the Washington State Hunters Education Class. It's mandatory for all people who want a hunting licence if they were born in or after 1971. So I'm taking it with a few adults and about 30 11-14 year olds. It's not too bad, but a little basic and aimed at kids so it can get a little tedious. Today we went to the shooting range, and and got to practice and demonstrate many of the "skills" and safety techniques that we have learned. One kid had a real issue with muzzle control and got kicked out of the class for letting the gun roll towards me and ALMOST aimed a live gun at my head! I moved, he got nailed, no problem. Except it is a major violation and it was done.
So I finished the range day without any problems, and now I just have 1 more class and test night and I can officially go hunting. my goal is mainly waterfoal and upland birds, but turkey season is this month so maybe I'll go. so that is what is keeping me busy, it's good that it is almost done.
On April 2nd, the day after my the glorious celebration of my 30th birthday (I hope you all enjoyed the festivities of such a well recognized event). I started taking the Washington State Hunters Education Class. It's mandatory for all people who want a hunting licence if they were born in or after 1971. So I'm taking it with a few adults and about 30 11-14 year olds. It's not too bad, but a little basic and aimed at kids so it can get a little tedious. Today we went to the shooting range, and and got to practice and demonstrate many of the "skills" and safety techniques that we have learned. One kid had a real issue with muzzle control and got kicked out of the class for letting the gun roll towards me and ALMOST aimed a live gun at my head! I moved, he got nailed, no problem. Except it is a major violation and it was done.
So I finished the range day without any problems, and now I just have 1 more class and test night and I can officially go hunting. my goal is mainly waterfoal and upland birds, but turkey season is this month so maybe I'll go. so that is what is keeping me busy, it's good that it is almost done.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Friday, March 9, 2007
it's been awhile!
hello bloggers!
yeah, I referenced you all in a very generic way. but thanks for tuning in again and taking the time to read about my wonderfully exciting life.
I don't know if I have made reference to my beautiful and wonderful wife lately, so I will now... I love and appreciate her very very much.
We recentlybegan reading Dr. Laura's new book "The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage." The whole focus of the book seems to balance on the notion that man and woman view life and responsibilities differently. WHO WOULD OF THOUGHT! Anyway, we do and it's so appent that gender roles as establish by God are not a burden if they are respected. I have a great deal of respect for the love of my life. Let me put it this way.
It is vital for MAN and his well being to go to work. Man needs the validation of person that comes by accomplishing the temporal care of his family. By having other depend on him for their well being, motivates him to be a better person, and a success. On the other hand, (while I’m a self asserted moron when it comes ot understanding women) I see that my wife is happiest when she manages a day to entertain the children, keep our home in “order’ within the same 24 hour period of time. She loves to sit and snuggle with the kids when everything else is done. When it’s not complete she feels incomplete. We both have these ingrained needs and wants that when we work together to ensure each others are met, we move forward and grow happier.
I firmly believe that the two day weekend was and is continually sanctioned by Diety. I look forward to my weekends, but I’m also very ready to go back to work when Sunday is over. I’m EXHAUSTED. I truly don’t know how my wife can have all the patience in the world to stay at home with the kids all week. It’s truly a gift from our Father that she has the ability to stay home.
Like the blog is called, Random, but I mean it all. I love my wife and she is the greatest woman alive. She has a great desire to do what's right and,if necessary, drag me to the Celestial World by my...ears.
yeah, I referenced you all in a very generic way. but thanks for tuning in again and taking the time to read about my wonderfully exciting life.
I don't know if I have made reference to my beautiful and wonderful wife lately, so I will now... I love and appreciate her very very much.
We recentlybegan reading Dr. Laura's new book "The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage." The whole focus of the book seems to balance on the notion that man and woman view life and responsibilities differently. WHO WOULD OF THOUGHT! Anyway, we do and it's so appent that gender roles as establish by God are not a burden if they are respected. I have a great deal of respect for the love of my life. Let me put it this way.
It is vital for MAN and his well being to go to work. Man needs the validation of person that comes by accomplishing the temporal care of his family. By having other depend on him for their well being, motivates him to be a better person, and a success. On the other hand, (while I’m a self asserted moron when it comes ot understanding women) I see that my wife is happiest when she manages a day to entertain the children, keep our home in “order’ within the same 24 hour period of time. She loves to sit and snuggle with the kids when everything else is done. When it’s not complete she feels incomplete. We both have these ingrained needs and wants that when we work together to ensure each others are met, we move forward and grow happier.
I firmly believe that the two day weekend was and is continually sanctioned by Diety. I look forward to my weekends, but I’m also very ready to go back to work when Sunday is over. I’m EXHAUSTED. I truly don’t know how my wife can have all the patience in the world to stay at home with the kids all week. It’s truly a gift from our Father that she has the ability to stay home.
Like the blog is called, Random, but I mean it all. I love my wife and she is the greatest woman alive. She has a great desire to do what's right and,if necessary, drag me to the Celestial World by my...ears.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Our Dinner Party
In honor of the great Valentine's day of 2007, we hosted a dinner party at our house. It was very, very fun. We have been planning this for quite some time. With some of closest friends in out Ward, we had a great time. So often, when we have dinners with others, it's a potluck style get together than runs just shy of Chaotic. Which is fine depending on the occasion, but Lee really wanted to do something nice. So we invited 4 couples over for a "nice" dinner. It was great. A special thanks goes out to them for joining us, and I'm pretty sure that some of them are bound to be among my 4 faithful subscribers. :)
To begin, we had baguette style bread topped with pesto, roma tomatoes and Parmesan for appetizers. Dinner started with a wonderful salad created by and through the assistance of the wonderful Allison. The main course consisted a very cheesy smothered manicote, braised kale, steamed veggies, finished with italian sausage & meatballs. What a very delectable meal. To finish it off, we served molten chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream, whip, and raspberries. Doesn't it sound like it came off the menu of a fansy restaurant? it was great. And yes, I even helped cook.
Once again, thanks to those that joined us for the great dinner, and embarrassing entertainment that followed. We shall definitely do it again!
To begin, we had baguette style bread topped with pesto, roma tomatoes and Parmesan for appetizers. Dinner started with a wonderful salad created by and through the assistance of the wonderful Allison. The main course consisted a very cheesy smothered manicote, braised kale, steamed veggies, finished with italian sausage & meatballs. What a very delectable meal. To finish it off, we served molten chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream, whip, and raspberries. Doesn't it sound like it came off the menu of a fansy restaurant? it was great. And yes, I even helped cook.
Once again, thanks to those that joined us for the great dinner, and embarrassing entertainment that followed. We shall definitely do it again!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Dallas, TX
On Tuesday of last week, I left our great state of Washington for the big state of Texas. I had a meeting there for work. It was one of those meetings where you get to live in a nice hotel for 3 days with the only "breaks" traveling from one room to another, or running to eat mass prepared food that is all but guaranteed to made to stomach churn and your south end sound like a brass quartet. The goal, to remind all of us how to do our jobs legal, and most effectively, and one night spent in grand amens to all those folk who did really, really, really well last year. I had a great chance to meet more people from around the nation, and see some of the people that I went to training with. It was nice to see and catch up with them.
While I enjoyed the trip and great to see everyone, 4 days without the family was a pretty long time. I miss the kiddos when I'm gone, it was nice to come home. My wife, she was missed me too. that's nice. I always tell her to NEVER let me know if she stops missing me when I'm gone. :) I don't think I have to worry though...Who wouldn't miss this. I'm that good.
While I enjoyed the trip and great to see everyone, 4 days without the family was a pretty long time. I miss the kiddos when I'm gone, it was nice to come home. My wife, she was missed me too. that's nice. I always tell her to NEVER let me know if she stops missing me when I'm gone. :) I don't think I have to worry though...Who wouldn't miss this. I'm that good.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
I have a friend who told me that he frequently reads my blog. I yelled at him for not commenting. I feel like I have no one reading my blog and it makes me sad. my friends suck sometimes. (I hope you feel guilty and will post now!) :)
For about the last....FOREVER, Lee has wanted a new SLR Camera. She has been debating for quite sometime which one she would want, and she finally found one that was "reasonably" priced, and would do everything she could possibly need from a camera for quite some time. So I finally got absolutely tired of talking about the different options, packages, and pricing of the camera that I've wanted to get since the beginning, but she couldn't decide WHICH ONE IT WAS. Well, she decided, and I bought it for her yesterday.

So, Lee has her camera, and I have the satisfaction of having got it for her when she wasn't expecting it. That is always a bonus. And a great story. Yesterday, she had a Doctors appointment that I sent her off too. While she was gone, I told her that I would be buying a new collar for Sage (our older yellow lab) at Petsmart. while doing that, I would go next door to get the new camera. Well, she got the Idea that I was going to get it, and got all excited. When she came home, she had the stupidest grin on her face all excited for her new camera, and all I could give up was the Collar. I even managed to have the kids stick to the Petsmart story. After a while she broke my son. He gave up the story, but he kept saying that the camera was on the counter. The other night, a friend left her camera at the house. So I explained that she had said enough about the camera, that the kids knew that she wanted one and got confused. So we ate dinner, and put the kids to bed...all the while she's walking around looking in every corner of the house for a camera, and proclaiming that I was up to no good. What a silly chick! finally at bedtime when she had calmed down and accepted that she wasn't going to get the camera, I gave it to her. She was happy. I'm happy. That's my fun story. Lee, I love you!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Passage to Zarahemla
I'm a huge "Tennis Shoes Amound the Nephites" Fan.
For the first number of years after Chris Heimerdinger began writing them, I was quite the sceptic. I didn't even read one of the many books in the series, before classifying them as dumb, and without point.
Well on my mission, I had a companion that had one of the books on tape and we listened to it. That was the end of my days as a sceptic. They are absolutely amazing. And with that talent, Chris Heimerdinger has written another book, with the purpose of it becoming a movie. Passage to Zarahemla. It's a very different concept than the "Tennis Shoes Series", but its great. And here is the trailer.
You can learn more about the Movie: Passage to Zarahemla.
For the first number of years after Chris Heimerdinger began writing them, I was quite the sceptic. I didn't even read one of the many books in the series, before classifying them as dumb, and without point.
Well on my mission, I had a companion that had one of the books on tape and we listened to it. That was the end of my days as a sceptic. They are absolutely amazing. And with that talent, Chris Heimerdinger has written another book, with the purpose of it becoming a movie. Passage to Zarahemla. It's a very different concept than the "Tennis Shoes Series", but its great. And here is the trailer.
You can learn more about the Movie: Passage to Zarahemla.
MLK Day 2007
What a great holiday! MLK! this year my company started giving us the holiday. So I had the great blessing of spending an extra Monday at home with the family. We didn't really do all that much, yet got much done at the same time. It was great the hang out and get everything done. Despite have the day off, I had a little paperwork to get done in the morning. Then we took to Costco, and a million other grocery stores.
With that all done, we were ready for a little recreation. So I grabbed my brother-in-law Seth and we headed for the "mountain". It's actually just a great big hill, but it's called Candy Mountain in West Richland. At the top of the "MOUNTAIN" there is a geocache. The listed Log/Lat place you at the bottom of the hill along a service (4x4) trail to the top. Using a few numbers of landmarks and a puzzle, you can figure out where up there the cache is located. We tried taking the Impala up a little ways but quickly found that the road was to steep, and loose to take it all the way. So we parked "Vader"(my black Impala) and started hiking up to the top. Along the way we didn't get some of the landmark clues that left us without the complete code if find the cache. Needless to say, I wasn't going to go down and come back to find it. We did the best we could, and found it in about 7-10 minutes. It was a very chilly 26 degrees before we began, and must have dropped below 20 while we were headed up. but it was great hike and loads of fun! I'm going to start photo'ing some of the great places that caches take me so I can show off!
With that all done, we were ready for a little recreation. So I grabbed my brother-in-law Seth and we headed for the "mountain". It's actually just a great big hill, but it's called Candy Mountain in West Richland. At the top of the "MOUNTAIN" there is a geocache. The listed Log/Lat place you at the bottom of the hill along a service (4x4) trail to the top. Using a few numbers of landmarks and a puzzle, you can figure out where up there the cache is located. We tried taking the Impala up a little ways but quickly found that the road was to steep, and loose to take it all the way. So we parked "Vader"(my black Impala) and started hiking up to the top. Along the way we didn't get some of the landmark clues that left us without the complete code if find the cache. Needless to say, I wasn't going to go down and come back to find it. We did the best we could, and found it in about 7-10 minutes. It was a very chilly 26 degrees before we began, and must have dropped below 20 while we were headed up. but it was great hike and loads of fun! I'm going to start photo'ing some of the great places that caches take me so I can show off!
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