This is the center page of http://www.whoframedcrews.com. Like I said, I thought there might be more behind the story and the picture might have clues. So I dug around a bit and found that the Inmate Booking Number did turn up. It's actually quite a famous booking number.

Just so no body thinks I'm a totally BS king. Check out this link if you think I'm making it up.
Anyway. I just thought it was funny, and I don't know whose idea it was to use OJ's booking number, but I'm laughing. thought that I would share!
Love Life! I think it is my new fave also.
I stumbled upon this show myself and have really liked it. I like that it doesn't dwell on the gory details too much most of the time. Although I often have to watch it online at nbc's website since I have been unable to watch it when it airs lately. Love that they have full episodes online! That's hilarious that they used OJ's booking number.
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