A little while back, I was STRONGLY encouraged to apply for a promotion within my company. So... with much prayer and pondering, we applied to a few position around the country and I have now accepted a position in Northeast Indianapolis. And I will start training on March 17th, and after 4 weeks, I will begin the moving process. The company is making the whole process quite easy, but it's been a tough decision.

I'm totally excited to move to Indiana! When we looked at the list of possible opportunities, when selected about 8 different jobs in 7 diffent cities. During the selection process we made to eliminate Indy about 3 times but we kept coming back to it and it stayed on our list. I posted for the position and the hiring manager contacted my manager almost immediately. We knew that I'de at least get an interviewing for the positon. I interviewed for a couple other positions and got great feedback, but they didn't work out for one reason or another. But when it came to the Indy interview, I walked away pretty much knowing that I would be moving to Indy. It was a pretty good feeling.
It's wierd how that Lord works with us sometimes. I had no real desire to climb the ladder due to travel concerns and territory size. But my perspective was all based on our local territory conditions. In Indiana, I get a better job, with a smaller territory than I currently manage, with a lower cost of living, and more money in the pocket. And we have no doubts that we are supposed to be there. We're really excited and look forward to this adventure.
I hope all is well out there in the blogosphere!
I had almost given up on your blog! It's a good thing your wife keeps hers up or your friends might think you fell off the earth somewhere. ;) Congrats on your promotion and good luck with your move. I hope everything goes smoothly for you and can't wait to hear all about Indiana.
I was wondering when this bit of news was going to find its way to your blog, congrats on the new job!
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