due to the fact that we are moving REALY REALY soon, the bishopric thought that they would ask us to speak yesterday. I'm not sure how good the talk was, but I thought I would stick it online, so others could read it. SO..... Here it is.
As members of the Church, there are many stories that we read, we listen to, or we even tell where it seems that there are great points that are over looked. It’s like watching our favorite movie for the thousandth time and finally getting a joke, or recognize our favorite character from another movie. It is one of those times that we realize, this part of the story is much more important than I thought, and this is the part that I should, as Nephi counseled, “liken unto myself”.
While preparing for this talk, I was reading the talk that Brother Mason gave to me as my topic guide, this talk is entitled: “Cast Not Away therefore Your Confidence”, by Jeffrey R. Holland. Elder Holland uses two familiar stories in the gospel to teach a point. What I found so unique about this, is that Elder Holland focused on the very beginning of these stories, instead of the conclusion as I usually do. The first story is of the young boy in upstate New York, who had a question, and had learned from the bible, that he could ask God for help. As recorded in the Joseph Smith History, here is the story.
Joseph Smith History
15 After I had retired to the place where I had previously designed to go, having looked around me, and finding myself alone, I kneeled down and began to offer up the desires of my heart to God. I had scarcely done so, when immediately I was seized upon by some power which entirely overcame me, and had such an astonishing influence over me as to bind my tongue so that I could not speak. Thick darkness gathered around me, and it seemed to me for a time as if I were doomed to sudden destruction.
16 But, exerting all my powers to call upon God to deliver me out of the power of this enemy which had seized upon me, and at the very moment when I was ready to sink into despair and abandon myself to destruction—not to an imaginary ruin, but to the power of some actual being from the unseen world, who had such marvelous power as I had never before felt in any being—just at this moment of great alarm, I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me.
17 It no sooner appeared than I found myself delivered from the enemy which held me bound. When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—This is My Son. Hear Him!
The other story is that of Moses. When we first open the scriptures to the Book of Moses, we find that Moses is having his “First Vision.” Moses is “taken up to an exceedingly high mountain”
Moses 1:2
2 And he saw God face to face, and he talked with him, and the glory of God was upon Moses; therefore Moses could endure his presence.
Elder Holland explains that what happens next is what happens to prophets who are taken to high mountains. The Lord said to Moses: “Look, and I will show thee the workmanship of mine hands. … Moses looked, and … beheld the earth, yea, even all of it; and there was not a particle of it which he did not behold, discerning it by the spirit of God. And he beheld also the inhabitants thereof, and there was not a soul which he beheld not.”
Now shortly after this incredible Vision and experience with the Lord, he is left to his thoughts. And what happens next? The adversary of us all appeared and challenged Moses. He immediately challenged the recall of Moses by claiming to be “The Only Begotten” and that Moses should worship him. I imagine that Lucifer, that cunning and wise serpent, tried his best to persuade Moses by offering great gains in the world.
I have never before now linked these two stories together but they teach a very true principal is that is VITAL to our spiritual growth and even survival. Whenever we are due a tremendous spiritual or revelatory experience, we can also expect that Satan will make a play in concordance. Whether Satan’ move will come before our blessing as with Joseph Smith, after, as in the case of Moses, or even amid our experience, HE WILL COME.
In the presence of this enemy, Joseph and Moses responded they same way and overcame. In both records it is reported that they “[called] upon God.” They recognized that this enemy was there for destroy them, they began to fear, they became afraid, and they called upon God. This is different than most men and women I think. I assume most people at this point would turn tail and run, and therefore have very little accolade or accomplishment in spiritual or temporal terms. And that is the very challenge we face.
Fear can paralyze each of us if we allow it. If Joseph had not continued, with his goal to find an answer, or Moses given in Satan, not only would we not know these names, but millions would have suffered in ignorance of the love of God.
When Brother Mason gave me a copy of Elder Holland talk, I sat down and began to skim through it. I didn’t get very far before I leaned to my wonderful wife pointed out the very first line of text. We both nodded at the appropriateness of this talk in our lives. It said:
Beware the temptation to retreat from a good thing. If it was right when you prayed about it and trusted in it, it is right now.
It was appropriate for us, because I felt that is was counsel that we directed straight at me, right now. At the very end of January I was approached by my management and “strongly encouraged to seek a promotion within my company”. This was a very tough suggestion for Lee Ann, and I for a couple of reason. First, I wasn’t ever planning on moving up the corporate ladder. Second, I was pretty sure there was no positions available anywhere close by where I wouldn’t have to travel all the time. And third, you don’t get very many opportunities like very often, but I wasn’t sure if we even wanted it. So we took the matter to the Lord and prayed. Very quickly we knew that we should begin the application process.
We started the hunt by printing out every job available that met our specifications with little regard to location other than cost of living. Then we looked at travel requirements, and divisions of the company, and we were a little more selective about where this job was located.
I think I went to throw away that sheet of paper that said Indianapolis about 3 times, but it just kept coming back. So Indianapolis ended up on our final list of eight position, in order of preference it is ranked number seven.
Over then next few weeks, I interviewed for seven those positions. My final two interviews were between Indianapolis and our first choice, in that order. I went in the my interview for Indianapolis and made it clear that I would be willing to work there, but at that point my preference was elsewhere.
The next day I interviewed for our first choice position, and half way through the interview I knew very clearly a few things, I was qualified for the position, he was most likely going to offer me the job, and that it wasn’t where I was supposed to be. So I walked out of the interview, and sent the Indianapolis manager a message saying that I wanted to go work for him, and that is where we are going.
Since that time, there have many times where I have worried if I made the right decision. Worried about moving 2,136 miles away from friends, family, and the life we have here. Worried about the kids adjusting, my wife liking it there, and if I’ll be able to survive and navigate myself around in a place that’s flatter than a sheet of glass. I’ve worried about the smaller number of Latter-day Saints in the area. I’ve worried about the change in position and responsibilities. I’ve worried so much I almost think I know what it’s like to spend a day as my wife.
But this is what I know. We prayed to our Father in Heaven. He told us that this is what I’m supposed to do, and I’m doing it. I’m excited for this new adventure, and I’m grateful that I have been blessed with this gospel, that makes even the hardest of decision palatable because we know that our Loving Father in Heaven is at the helm.
This is a story that very much applies to me, and pretty much just me. But there are many in the church which have prayed and received answers to their prayers, only to become afraid and not followed the counsel they received. In Elder Hollands’ talk, he spoke specifically to those investigating the church, new converts, people with new callings, people making career changes. Pretty much to everyone who ever will read or hear his words he counseled: If it was right when you prayed about it, it’s still right.
An example of this that can ring loud and true is of Martin Harris and Joseph Smith. While serving as a scribe to the prophet during the translation of the Golden Plates, Martin began to be hassled by his wife and her family. He begged that Joseph would allow him to bring the manuscript home as proof to them that he wasn’t wasting his time. So Joseph approached the Lord and sought permission for Martin to take the plates. The answer was clearly NO. As time went on, Martin pressured Joseph to ask again, with the same results. After the third request of Martin and in turn Joseph, the Lord granted the request. We all know the end of this story. Martin took those 116 pages, and somehow they became lost. They are still this day, unfound. The overwhelming moral of this great story is two fold.
First, if you prayed and received and answer from the Lord, trust it and stay true to it. He does have brilliant understanding our futures, and truly wants what is best for us.
Second, no matter what decision in life you make you will be an example. Your choice right now is; whether you will be the example of the way to follow, or the example of what not to do. I would rather not be have to get angry when my kids follow after my own footsteps.
I know that This Church is the True Church.
I know that when I have fears, worries, and concerns, our Father knows them, understands them, and can alleviate them.
I know that Thomas S. Monson is a living prophet of God, a modern day Moses.
I know Joseph Smith “saw what he said he saw” and was called to restore the gospel to the earth.
I bear this testimony in the name of our Holy Savior, even Jesus Christ, Amen

My Family 11/07
Welcome to my Blog! This was our Christmas 2007 Family Picture! Meet my beautiful wife Lee, and our kids 6 and 4 years old.
Monday, April 14, 2008
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Loved the talk. You do so well.
This is an awesome talk. It brought tears to my eyes. Your insights are so very true. Hope all is going well for you. Love- Tammy
Your talk was great. We miss you guys already, especially on Aaron's birthday when we wanted you over to celebrate! Good luck!
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