My Family 11/07
Welcome to my Blog! This was our Christmas 2007 Family Picture! Meet my beautiful wife Lee, and our kids 6 and 4 years old.

Friday, May 30, 2008


Everyone who knows me, knows that I'm a little of a politic follower. I know that my candidate, Mitt Romney, is out of the running for this year, but that doesn't mean I stopped paying attention. When choosing a candidate, there aer a few things that are VITAL issues to me, and I try to pick the best acrossed the board on those issues. Taxes and spending, Federal vs Local Programs, Security, and US Strength. It is for all these reasons that Obama is DEFINATELY not my man. To add to his loose and un-understandable policies, he actually made the following statement. Remember US STRENGTH was important to me.

1 comment:

Alinde said...

Yikes! He has always scared me! I agree with Lee, he wants us to be weak so we can be attacked.

I hope we don't get stuck with him, but if you ask me, there aren't any good choices! (smile)