My Family 11/07
Welcome to my Blog! This was our Christmas 2007 Family Picture! Meet my beautiful wife Lee, and our kids 6 and 4 years old.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


The rules:

A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

Jennifer tagged me in, so I guess I'll play along. But due to the fact that I don't know 6 other people that blog that she or my wife didn't tag in, this is where this leg of the game will end.

1. I don't really remember actually reading an entire book until my junior year in high school. and even that was for an assignment. Up until then, I think I skimmed through them, or did book reports on books that had been turned into movies. I guess I cheated in school more than I remember. :( but I read quite a bit now, so I guess I'm making it up.

2. As a kid one year, we took a little vacation in Washington DC. We were actually staying there for a bit after moving back to the states from Scotland... ANYWAY! while there, for some reason my mother decided it would be a good idea to take 5 kids to go watch a legislative session of some sort. (I was around 6, so the details are iffy, but I remember the cool part clear as day) During the goings on of national politics, a man in a trench coat stood up and announced he had a bomb. The secret service promptly detained and removed the man. When we left we actually saw him in the foyer tied up and striped to his "loin clothe" with dynamite wrapped around his middle. It was nutz.

3. During his first presidential campaign, I met President George W. Bush , shook his hand and got an autographed campaign poster. And while I don't agree with everything he has or hasn't done as out President, on quite a few of my KEY POLITICAL ISSUES (i.e. war of terror, homeland security, commitment to the mideast, and sanctity of life) he has done me just fine. I proudly stand as a part of the 30% (a fictitious number as far as I'm concerned) who approve of the job he is doing.

4. I haven't always been the great looking guy you see here today. When I was in high school, I wasn't a very good looking kid. I had jacked up teeth, odd hairstyles, and a neck that would look normal if I was 6' 6", but I was 5' 4" at the time, not to mention the fact that I've seen insects that had more fat on them than I had (FYI - insects don't have fat).

5. I love running into the cool kids from school. I like to brag about my awesome job, my great kids, my beautiful home, and most importantly, show off the VERY HOT CHICK I married.

6. Many people mistakenly think I've quite conceited. As I said, they are mistaken... It's not conceit when its an accurate portrayal. I am every bit as good as I say I am.

Like I said, I can't really tag anyone, because it's all done. But if you read this, feel free to add to it and post a comment so I can check it out.


Lee said...

You are THAT good. That is why I am married to you BABE! I love the Washington DC story. Serioulsy I am amazed your Mom took all 5 of you there.
Thanks for thinking I am so HOT! Love you.

Anonymous said...

Very cute facts! Good to see you are finally admitting your cheating ways :) Even though I don't blog I do get a kick out of reading your wife's. This is the first time that I noticed to link to yours so this is the first time I visited yours. Maybe when Thomas starts kindergarten I'll start a blog of my own.